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Lightweight strategy pattern in Java 8

· 7 min read

In computer programming, the strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a software design pattern that enables an algorithm's behavior to be selected at runtime. The strategy pattern. defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each algorithm, and. makes the algorithms interchangeable within that family.

Let's start straight away with an example. The task is to build an application that would load a user information from arbitrary storage, log user details using arbitrary logger and finally - save user using different persistence options. The application should be a Java console application receiving input from the command line.

Say we have a main class:

package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;


import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class UserPersistMain {

private static final Map<String, Function<Integer, User>> userProviderMapping = ImmutableMap.of(
"fs-provider", UserProviders.FILE_SYSTEM,
"web-service-provider", UserProviders.WEB_SERVICE

private static final Map<String, Consumer> userPersisterMapping = ImmutableMap.of(
"mongo-persister", UserPersisters.MONGO,
"mysql-persister", UserPersisters.MYSQL

private static final Map<String, Consumer> userLoggerMapping = ImmutableMap.of(
"console-logger", UserLoggers.CONSOLE,
"sentry-logger", UserLoggers.SENTRY

public static void main(String[] args) {

int userId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
final Function<Integer, User> userProvider = userProviderMapping.get(args[1]);
final Consumer userPersister = userPersisterMapping.get(args[2]);
final Consumer userLogger = args.length == 4 ? userLoggerMapping.get(args[3]) : UserLoggers.CONSOLE;

new UserPersistenceDirector(userId, userProvider, userPersister, userLogger).persist();

The first argument passed from command line is userId. The second one is userProvider, the next one is userPersister, and finally, let's say we can optionally pass userLogger (in case we don't provide it via command line input, we default to console logging).

We have provided mappings from command line parameter names to different implementations (strategies) as static maps: userProviderMapping, userPersisterMapping, userLoggerMapping. Depending on values passed from command line, we will choose appropriate implementation at program runtime.

Strategies implementations are encapsulated withing separate interfaces.

UserProviders contains implementations of various strategies for loading user details. UserPersisters interface contains implementations of different strategies that are taking care of persisting user details. UserLoggers contains different strategies for logging user details.

These strategies are quite lightweight, since we're using Java 8 concepts of functional interfaces that come handy in our case. Given below are our interfaces containing strategies:

package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;
import java.util.function.Function;

interface UserProviders {
Function<Integer, User> FILE_SYSTEM = userId -> {
System.out.println("Retrieving user data from file system...");
return new User(userId, "Mike", "United States");
Function<Integer, User> WEB_SERVICE = userId -> {
System.out.println("Retrieving user data from web service...");
return new User(userId, "Jane", "Canada");
package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

interface UserPersisters {
Consumer MONGO = user -> System.out.format("Persisting user [%s] to Mongo DB...%n", user.toString());
Consumer MYSQL = user -> System.out.format("Persisting user [%s] to MySQL DB...%n", user.toString());
package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

interface UserLoggers {
Consumer CONSOLE = user -> System.out.format("Logging user [%s] to console...%n", user.toString());
Consumer SENTRY = user -> System.out.format("Logging user [%s] to sentry...%n", user.toString());

Also, we have a simple Java Bean:

package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;

class User {
private final int id;
private final String username;
private final String location;

public User(int id, String username, String location) { = id;
this.username = username;
this.location = location;

public String toString() {
return String.format("User{id=%d, username='%s', location='%s'}", id, username, location);

Important class in our case is UserPersistenceDirector which takes care of entire process: loading, logging and finally - persisting user. It's quite lightweight, since it just delegates persisting process steps to strategies we provide at runtime. Let's see the implementation:

package rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence;

import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

class UserPersistenceDirector {

private final int userId;
private final Function<Integer, User> userProvider;
private final Consumer userPersister;
private Consumer userLogger;

public UserPersistenceDirector(int userId, Function<Integer, User> userProvider, Consumer userPersister) {
this.userId = userId;
this.userProvider = userProvider;
this.userPersister = userPersister;

public UserPersistenceDirector(int userId, Function<Integer, User> userProvider, Consumer userPersister,
Consumer userLogger) {
this(userId, userProvider, userPersister);
this.userLogger = userLogger;

public void persist() {
final User user = userProvider.apply(userId);

We can see that it has constructors receiving strategies. We inject strategies at runtime, depending on input parameters. We store strategies as instance fields.

UserPersistenceDirector has a public method persist() , which coordinates high level persistence mechanism. We can see in it's implementation that all it does is delegating job to strategies that were given to it. So, this is a high level component that defines process and it's steps, and we can completely vary algorithm passing different strategies at runtime. So, client of UserPersistenceDirector has complete control of picking the strategies it wants executed.

Advantage of using Java 8 is that it ships with functional interfaces, such as Consumer<T>, Function<T,R> which we can use for defining strategies and we can use elegant lambda syntax to provide strategies implementations.

Whenever we want the ability to execute some high level process that has well established steps, but we want to be able to control & vary implementation of these steps - Strategy pattern comes handy.

We can execute our application giving sample input parameters. If we want to pass userId:1 , user provider as fs-provider, user persister as mongo-persister, and user logger as sentry-logger, we can execute:

java rs.dodalovic.design_patterns.behavioral.strategy.user_persistence.UserPersistMain 1 fs-provider mongo-persister sentry-logger
Retrieving user data from file system...
Logging user [User{id=1, username='Mike', location='United States'}] to sentry...
Persisting user [User{id=1, username='Mike', location='United States'}] to Mongo DB...

Hope you liked the post. You can find sources at Github

That was all for today! Hope you liked it!