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Factory method pattern in Kotlin

· 4 min read

Kotlin language can come quite handy write concise and expressive code, without too much boilerplate, while keeping all advantages of being JVM citizen. Let's quickly peek into example of creating Factory method creational design pattern implementation.

package patterns

interface Gadget {
fun play()
fun getInfo()

enum class Purpose {

class GadgetFactory {
companion object {
fun createGadget(purpose: Purpose): Gadget = when (purpose) {
Purpose.FUN -> object : Gadget {
private val model = "XBox One S | year: 2016"
override fun getInfo() {

override fun play() {
println("I'm having great fun playing $model")
Purpose.WORK -> object : Gadget {
private val model = "Macbook Pro 2015 | year: 2015"
override fun getInfo() = println(model)
override fun play() {
println("I'm working hard using my $model")

val purpose: String = args[0]
val gadget = GadgetFactory.createGadget(when (purpose) {
"FUN" -> Purpose.FUN
"WORK" -> Purpose.WORK
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("No gadget for such purpose :(")

println("\n**** GADGET INFO ****\n")

println("\n**** PLAYING GADGET ****\n")

Example demonstrates simple case where user enters which kind of Gadget she/he wants via command line argument, and based on value provided, he gets back some kind of Gadget dynamically instantiated.

We define interface Gadget with two methods there. We also define two instances of enum type Purpose. Based on purpose user defines via command line param - we dynamically pick appropriate Gadget instance at runtime.

Then we create GadgetFactory::createGadget factory method, that will, based on user provided input, pass appropriate instance of Purpose enum as parameter. Compact nature of Kotlin code gives us opportunity to express ourselves without unnecessary verbosity. We're using Kotlin companion object, due to the fact we don't actually need to instantiate GadgetFactory and due to the fact that there aren't static methods in Kotlin - this kind of emulates that functionality for us.

$ kotlinc -script factory-method.kts FUN

**** GADGET INFO ****

XBox One S | year: 2016


I'm having great fun playing XBox One S | year: 2016

$ kotlinc -script factory-method.kts WORK

**** GADGET INFO ****

Macbook Pro 2015 | year: 2015


I'm working hard using my Macbook Pro 2015 | year: 2015

$ kotlinc -script factory-method.kts UNKNOWN-PURPOSE
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No gadget for such purpose :(
at patterns.Factory_method.<init>(factory-method.kts:37)

That was all for today! Hope you liked it!